Really, I am still here!!! All I can say is… whew!! What a winter. We were hit with every single virus under the sun, and were pretty much continually sick with one thing or another for months!!!
One of the twins started school in the fall. Prior to this, they’ve all stayed home with me. No schools, no daycare and therefore no regular exposure to viruses. Which has been great, up till now. With the introduction of one child into the school system, we were hit by everything we’ve missed these last five years. Yikes!!! I’m so glad spring is here!
Because of the afore mentioned state of our house this winter, I barely did any sewing at all these past few months. I think I went about six weeks strait without going into my sewing room. So, I have some pent up sewing in me!
And what better time to get back to it than Spring! I’ve already made a few new things for the girls, and I have lots more planned. I made my annual spring fabric shopping trip a couple of weeks ago, and it was so much fun. Last year, JoAnn Fabrics was the spot, I hit their Quilters Showcase sale and got tons of cotton prints for $2.49/yd and made so many little summer dresses. This year, when the sale came around, I was seriously disappointed. There was not selection at all.
While my favorite local store is still SR Harris, it’s a bit of a drive for me to get out there, so I stopped at another local shop, Mill End Textiles. They carry mostly quilting cottons, but some apparel fabrics too and I found a ton that I loved.

This Fat Quarter stack came from JoAnns, and will soon become a pair of pillowcase dresses (I hope! Not sure if there’s really enough there for two dresses)

All together I have an overflowing laundry basket of sprint/summer fabrics, all ready to go and with pattern/design ideas picked out for each of them.

So check back later this week for a look at a few of the things I’ve already stitched up this spring. Here’s to staying healthy!