Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Simple Summer Dresses – M5838 {Review and Modifications}

Last week I finished up a pair of new summer dresses for the girls made from McCalls 5838. I hadn’t really paid attention to this dress when the pattern was released, but I liked it when I noticed it sewn up on a dressform at JoAnns.


I used a quilting cotton, from JoAnns and cotton broadcloth for the lining. I read the reviews on PR in my prep for these dresses and noted several reviewers that omitted the zipper and added a casing for elastic in the bodice back. I liked the idea of this and that’s what I did. I took photos of my modifications, click the link below to see the details!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pattern Testers Needed

Good morning and Happy Monday blogland!

I’m partially back at it, at least on the blogging side. I have use of a work laptop at home right now, as my regular machine, which broke down, seems to be just two weeks outside of the warranty! *Sigh* I don’t want to pay to have it fixed, because I could almost just buy a new laptop for as much as it would cost to fix the one I have. So for now, I’m borrowing a laptop from my dad’s office, so we’ll see how consistent I can be until I get the techno situation resolved.

Otherwise, I’ve been sewing tons and tons! I have three new dresses finished for myself (yeah!!!) and a new pair of dresses finished for the girls. I hope to get those blogged here shortly, I think you’ll like them!

But what I’ve been really busy working on is a new pattern! I’ve been reading and learning about pattern drafting, and more specifically about pattern grading and I’ve just about finished my first multi-sized pattern. I’ve decided I’m going to open a little pattern shop (and I do mean little!) and just add to it as I go. I’m not coming out with a full wardrobe all at once, but I would like to eventually get a mini-wardrobe of sorts set up in a shop. I will still have lots of tutorials and I even have a few freebies in the works right now too.

That being said, I’m looking for a few pattern testers, to give my new pattern a test drive for me. It is a pattern for toddlers carpi pants, and I’m looking for testers in sizes 2T, 3T, 4T and 5T. I would love to have testers finished by Wednesday, June 27th and return a brief survey on the pattern so that I can get some feedback.

If you are interested and can be finished by the 27th, please email me at unpetitdesignblog {at} gmail {dot} com

OH – and now I have to mention – for anyone who has ever emailed me at unpetitdesignblog {at} gmail {dot} com – I have never received your emails until just tonight. I AM SO SORRY!!! It’s crazy to think that I missed so many nice emails and questions and such. Please know, I was not ignoring you. I had some settings setup funny and I honestly thought I had never received an email there before. Oh, I’m so embarrassed! But, I have fixed it (and now read through emails back to January!!!!) and I will receive anything new sent there. Big HUGE sorry to anyone who ever sent an email.

OK, any pattern tester out there?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Please Wait - We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties...

I wanted to give a quick update, I may not post for a while as my main computer has just had it's processor chip die. It's going to have to be shipped of to some customer service place and let just hope they take care of it under the warranty. Until then, I'm not going to be able to share any of the goodness I've been working on lately (I've sewing up a TON this month). I'm writing this on an ANCIENT, FOSSIL of a computer that is not fit for much else than internet browsing, and that is even sometimes painful.

When my regular computer is fixed, you'll look forward to not one, but two new kids patterns, plus some highlights of three new dresses I made for myself (imagine that!)

Take care - I'll be back when my computer is fixed!

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